Holidays and festivals of Armenian

Vartavar- Vardavar is a festival in Armenia where people of social groups drench each other with water.
Vardavar is celebrated 98 days (14 weeks) after Easter. I love this holiday it is funny holiday for me.

 New Year -The New Year celebration is one of the most gorgeous holidays for an Armenian family.It celebrate in the night of December 31. After midnight the new year begins.table should be full of variety of food.On the table you can find meat prodacts fruits,armenian national dolma,salads, some cakes,and other hot dishes.For the bread we usually put Armenian  lavash.The preparations are not only for the table, but also for the house.Everyone decorate there houses put out christmas tree. Midnights cames Santa Clause and bring all the childrens presents. Many guests are comeing and they also bring presents for childrens.The new year is very expensive holiday because people spend there all save money.But i like this holiday very much

May 28 – The Democratic Republic of Armenia, also known as the First Republic of Armenia, was proclaimed on May 28, 1918. Many events are organized in these days.
St. Sargis Holiday- It is celebrated 63 days before Easter, On the night of the holiday young people eat salty pies and don’t drink water to encourage dreaming at night.

Trndez-It is celebrated on February 13. The newlyweds seven times circle around the fire and then they  three time  jump over fire.

Easter- Easter (Zatik) is the favourite and the most anticipated(սպասված) holiday in the Christian world. One of the traditions of Armenian Easter painted eggs and fights them each other.

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